Covid Vaccination Clinics Shaunavon and Area

Shared on behalf of the Government of Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan Health Authority:

The SHA is holding vaccine clinics after school for ages 5-11 in Shaunavon on November 29 at the Shaunavon PH Wing from 3:00-6:00. There are other dates, locations and times listed for other surrounding clinics.  A parent/guardian must be in attendance to provide consent. A letter from the SHA and parent consent form can be found below.

Letter from SHA

Consent Form

Please direct any questions about vaccinations to your family physician, the Saskatchewan Health Authority or to the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health.

Visit the SHA website for information on community clinics which will be held in community centres and other locations, similar to the ages 12-17 clinics.

Read the FAQ from the Government of Saskatchewan on vaccines for ages 5-11.

Government of Saskatchewan News Release "Pediatric Vaccinations Approved"