Reading » Phonics Assessment

Phonics Assessment

PHONICS Assessments – Tier 3




 Developmental Expectations for Phonics Skills 


Reading Rockets

Ages & Stages of Literacy Development

(PLD: Literacy and Learning)

Simpson & Anderson


Reading Skills Pyramid


(learning & attention issues)

Chall’s Stages of Reading Development

Learn to recognize own name in print

3-4 years


2-5 years old

3-4 years

3-4 years

0-6 years

Begin to recognize environmental print on signs and labels

3-4 years


2-5 years old


3-4 years

0-6 years

Begin to recognize letters by name

3-4 years

3-5 years old

2-5 years old


3-4 years

4-5 years

Learn that the sounds heard at the start and end of words are represented by alphabetic letters

3-4 years

4-5 years old

2-5 years old



6-7 years

Begin to recognize letters by sound

3-4 years

5-6 years old

(developing accuracy and speed)

2-5 years old


3-5 years

4-5 years

Sound out one-syllable words with short and long vowel spellings

6 years

5-6 years old

(developing accuracy and automaticity)



5 years

6-7 years

Begins to learn some words by sight

5 years


5-7 years old


5 years

6-7 years

Sound out multi-syllabic words


7+ years old


Grade 2



Use prefixes, suffixes, and Greek and Latin roots to sound out and define new words


7+ years old


Grade 2+



Recognize many sight words

6+ years


7-9 years old


6-8 years

7-8+ years

Recognize more phonic rules and patterns



7-9 years old



9-11 years


/ - not mentioned specifically