Holy Trinity Catholic School Division Home

Inspired by Romans 12:10

Core Commitments

Our Mission is to Create Hope by Fostering Learning in a Catholic Environment.

Our Division Faith Theme for 2024-2025 is:
    "Love, Honour, and Respect Each Other"    Inspired by Romans 12:10 
    "Aimez, honorez, et respectez-vous les uns les autres"
     KIHCĒYIHTOWIN - Respect
Our Vision is Christ Centered Life Long Learning - Dieu au centre de notre apprentissage

Holy Trinity Catholic School Division acknowledges that we are all Treaty people, gathered on Treaty 4 territory. This is the traditional home of the Cree, Saulteaux, Nakota, Lakota and Dakota people, and the homeland of the Métis.

News & Announcements

Remembering Christine Featured Photo

Remembering Christine

It is with profound sadness that we announce the sudden passing of Christine Boyczuk, a dedicated Board Trustee for the Holy Trinity Catholic School Division. Serving her third term on the Board and holding the position of Vice Chair, Christine was small in stature but was a pillar of our community.

Our Division at a Glance

  • 3 Communities
  • 9 Schools
  • 2400 Students
  • Academics
  • Athletics
  • art Arts

Social Hub Gallery