Students » January 22-28, 2023

January 22-28, 2023

St. Mary School
Student Name and Grade or Family Names and Grades
Kraus Family
Why did I/We chose Catholic Education?
We chose Catholic Education for our kids because we feel that through Catholic Education our kids will learn about the importance of commitment, dedication and belonging to a community through the church. Catholic Education opens children's minds to wonder. I think it humbles kids and they will learn to appreciate cultures and other religions.
What does Catholic education mean to me/our family?
Catholic Education means a lot to our family. It gives us comfort in knowing there is a focus on strong morals and values. We want our kids to learn and appreciate all beliefs and understand there is something bigger outside themselves through Catholic Education.
St. Mary School
Student Name and Grade or Family Names and Grades
Meyer Family
Why did I/We chose Catholic Education?
We choose Catholic Education because our family grew up Catholic. The Faith-permeated curriculum teaching physically, mentally, socially and spiritually.
What does Catholic education mean to me/our family?
Catholic Education to our family means our kids will have the education along with our values of our Faith.