March 6-10, 2023
St. Agnes School
Student Name and Grade or Family Names and Grades
Shem (Grade 4) and Aeris (Grade 5)
Why did I/We chose Catholic Education? Younger students what is your favourite thing about your school?
We want Catholic Education so we can be Christians. We love our school because of our teachers who teach kindness. We love all of the people at St. Agnes.
What does Catholic education mean to me/our family? For Younger students please put why they are receiving the certificate.
Shem and Aeris show their Christian attitude daily by using their own recess time to help keep our school community clean. No one asks them to do this and their kind and generous ways deserve recognition. Such amazing boys. Thank you Shem and Aeris!
St. Michael
Student Name and Grade or Family Names and Grades
Jen Pratte
Why did I/We chose Catholic Education? Younger students what is your favourite thing about your school?
What does Catholic education mean to me/our family? For Younger students please put why they are receiving the certificate.
Jen goes above and beyond for our school. She works to foster an environment of inclusivity for all our students and helps to bring the staff together to work toward a common goal. She is a tremendous asset for Catholic Education.